Word Up


Posted by Judy Moon

I wanted to follow up on my Mirror Work. I have to be honest and say that I did not do it EVERY single day. However I did it ALMOST every day.

The weekends just throw me off. I am such a creature of habit, and I have my rituals and my routines and for some reason Saturday comes, my husband and I are both home at the same time and some of my rituals fly out the window. It’s okay, I don’t like rigidity. So not being perfect makes me happy on some level.

Back to business – I have been doing my mirror work and saying “I love you Judy” nine times while looking myself right in the eyes. Sometimes I do it several times a day (almost) everyday.

What have I noticed?
It got easier the more I did it.
I believed it the more I did it.
I smiled at myself the more I did it.
I felt kind of… bad… the days I missed it.

The biggest observation that I’ve made is that it is shutting down the negative self-talk, criticism and chatter.

Danielle Laport, who is way cool, had a recent blog post – Words can make you sick. Or healed.  I loved it! She and her son did an experiment with an apple that they slice in half and put in clear containers next to each other on a windowsill. One apple they say nice things to and the other one they trash talk. I did a similar experiment with seeds and wrote about it in Do You Believe in Magic? and I had a similar experience to theirs. The apple they praised barely browned. The other apple became rotten and moldy. The seeds that I gave loving words to sprouted. The ones that I ignored (I felt guilty saying bad things to them, so I just ignored them, however, I have no clue what my husband Joe was saying !) never came up.

That left such an imprint in my mind. When I am saying the words I love you to myself, I imagine the energy and vibration that causes seeds to grow and thrive and apples to preserve and not decay. If I have a negative or critical thought now, because let’s face it, they pop in now and then, I imagine that rotting moldy apple and I think , “don’t do that to yourself!”

The Mirror Work has made me more mindful of the words I am using especially about or around myself not only when I am looking in the mirror, but also as I go through my day. Words are powerful and have an energetic charge that we often ignore, forget or take for granted. Be mindful of them. Treat them as sacred.

So the moral of the story is “don’t become a rotten apple”

I love you!

2 thoughts on “Word Up

  1. Pingback: Don’t Just Stand There. Let’s Get To It. Strike A Pose. There’s Nothing To It. | Wellness Seeds

  2. Pingback: Don’t Just Stand There. Let’s Get To It. Strike A Pose. There’s Nothing To It. | Judy Moon and Associates

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