What’s My Secret Weapon For a Good Night’s Sleep?


Posted by Judy Moon

Magnesium oil. That’s right, magnesium oil.

First of all, I feel that sleep is underrated. I think we don’t really put enough emphasis on getting enough sleep, and the health benefits of good, quality, restful, restorative sleep. Webmd explains nine reasons to sleep more.

I personally don’t have a problem falling asleep, it’s staying asleep that was my problem. There are lots of reasons why this can happen for people.

So I have made going to bed a real ritual.

Herbal tea, no electronic screens after nine, my bedroom is a sleep sanctuary – no TV etc.,  I do my best to go to bed at the same time every night, I turn the lights in my home down in the evening and start sending the message to my brain – “hey, we’re going to sleep soon”, I use some lavender essential oil on my feet and at the suggestion of a health coach, I started using magnesium oil on my feet at night.

Pure magic! I now sleep like a rock.

Dr. Mark Hyman, refers to magnesium as the “relaxation mineral”, and here is a GREAT post about all of it’s benefits.

Ancient Minerals was the brand recommended to me. A drop of DoTerra lavender essential oil rubbed in to the bottom of my feet, 3 sprays of Magnesium Oil on each foot, socks, Bon Nuit!

I will warn you that the Magnesium oil is a little drying, so I make sure I am also treating my feet by exfoliating daily with a pumice and lathering them up with a rich moisturizer. I’d choose something with some rich Shea butter.

Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Channeling my inner David Bowie today and focusing on change.
People don’t generally like change.
Change is the essence of our life.
The more we live in tune with the natural rhythms of change, the easier we flow. Just like the day turns to night and  the seasons change, so it is with us.
So stop swimming upstream and just go with the flow….
Speaking of change – we are super duper  excited about our fresh new website!
And the really cool part is that our blog is a real part of the website now. So if you want to be sure that you aren’t missing any Wellness Seeds from us, enter your email address in the “subscribe” field to receive our seeds in your email!
Go with the flow baby….

May Your Well Be Overflowing

Nightfall comes quickly in November during a time of peak foliage at Horton Creek.

Posted by Gwyn MacDonald

I’m watching a sparrow take a bath in a small puddle at the base of a majestic sycamore tree in one of my favorite parks in the city. This little spot is lush and relatively quiet with crepe myrtle and southern magnolia in full and heady bloom.

I’m filling the well in this moment (Thank you Judy Moon!). Observing, listening, breathing. Recently I’ve noticed that the well, also known as my reserves of energy, creativity and power, was severely depleted. I had given out all I had and didn’t have any back up, for myself or for others. Not a nice place to be.

I have always been one to give out more than I take in. I would get a bit worn down but back on my feet fairly quickly. Not this time. I knew it was bad when I realized I was getting angry with the people I love the most when they needed something from me, even the smallest request.

Red flags waving wildly now! PAY ATTENTION!

When a friend said she was going on a yoga retreat, every cell in my body said “I WANT THAT TOO!” Seriously.

So…I’ve quit my job and am off to Fiji tomorrow. HA! Sounds fun but not in the cards at the moment.

Not long after coming to terms with feeling totally worn out, I had a day long visit with a dear friend I have known all my life. She and her late husband were like a third set of grandparents for my brother and I. But the kind of grandparents who are really true friends. We had a simple, fresh lunch and talked for a few hours about life and art and meditation and “filling the well” did come up. And my friend said, “Oh yes! You have to feed and nourish your core! Otherwise you are no use to anyone, especially yourself.”

I gave her a massage and let the hour or so of deep quiet engulf me. Her home surrounded by thick woods, the mountain laurel in full bloom and a soft breeze gently pushing the trees back and forth was nourishment. What a gift.

Then on to an impromptu dinner with my brother, nephew and their three stellar dogs. Another gift. It was a short but so sweet visit as I had to get back to the city that evening. I had such a peaceful ride home, my brain and body softer and at ease.

The next day I felt as though my almost empty tank had been filled to the 1/4 mark. We can make it anywhere on a 1/4 tank! I had let the day before flow in whatever direction it would. I didn’t stress that I had to visit everyone or get back to do this or that. I just let it be.

While some days don’t flow like I wish they would, I’m doing my best just to catch those moments I’m always talking and writing about, the ones that feed me, but somehow I had been missing.

Sparrow is back now for a little drink, a gentle reminder that even the simplest things can fill the well.

Dirt Under My Nails


Posted by Gwyn MacDonald

I love getting dirty!

Oh my, let me rephrase that…I love digging in the “dirt” and getting dirty. Always have, be it mud pies, finger-paints, playing with clay, cooking or gardening. There is usually a little dirt under my nails (except when I am doing massage, of course!) for most of the year as I inevitably stop by the garden no matter what season, to dead head a spent flower or two, pull out some unwanteds that are encroaching on my lettuce or just see what’s going on under the snow cover.

I was recently laying down some mulch in the flowerbeds on an unseasonably warm day. I was kind of drenched in sweat (which is always attractive!) so any and every bit of dirt I knelt in or mulch that I tossed around clung to me like crazy. I wasn’t paying attention to my appearance as I was focused on getting the job done, but suddenly I realized what I must look like to an innocent bystander in the garden. Like I’d been rolling in the mulch instead of distributing it! This of course made me laugh out loud and relish the feeling of being a little grubby. I’ve got a drawer full of “garden clothes” that I can wear when I know I’ll most likely be at least semi-covered in whatever medium I‘m involved with that day. And man, those are some of the best showers or baths after a day in the dirt!

For me, getting my hands (and whatever else!) dirty means I am really in touch with what I am doing; with the paint, the food, the earth. It makes me feel connected and grounded, pun intended. That tactile sense is one of the many ways we learn and absorb, literally, information. It’s the way I learn best, personally. I can read all about it in a book, but until I touch it and do it myself, it’s not really part of my skill set yet. Maybe that is part of why I enjoy providing massage; to touch the skin is to begin to understand what it is saying and might need. To be connected to the person I am working with. Nice way to think about all of these things I love!

Hmmm…”garden mulch” spa treatment anyone? “Just peeled beets” manicure? Just kidding Judy!

What’s your favorite medium for getting your hands dirty and connecting to the world around you? I’d love to know!

P.S. Since my massage clients would not respond well to sand paper hands, I wear gloves when necessary, but I can’t lie…I don’t like to. That energy I so connect with feels a bit cut off. Except when I work with roses or raspberries, then bring on the gloves that travel up to my elbows! No problem.

Let’s Just Kiss and Say Goodbye


Posted by Judy Moon

It’s hard to say goodbye.

Especially when someone we love or truly admire transitions to the spirit world.

One of my favorite authors and mentors, Wayne Dyer passed away in August and my heart was so heavy. I can honestly say that he changed my life.

I had the opportunity to meet him at a Hay House, I Can Do It Conference. 

I stood in a very long line for a book signing. I would have waited forever to have the chance to meet him and thank him for shifting my thinking.

When it was my turn, he gave me a big smile, started signing my book and I said, “I want to thank you, The Power of Intention changed my life.”

He put down his pen, mind you, there’s a ginormous line behind me, and it was as if we were the only two people there. He was that present. He smiled, looked me right in the eyes and said, “Thank you, I hear that a lot about that book in particular, I don’t know what it is, but other people share your experience. Why do you think that book was so different?”

I said, “I’m not sure, I think it was timing for me, it appeared when I needed it, and the messages are simple, but huge.”

He handed me back my book, gave me another big smile, kissed me on the cheek, hugged me and said, “Thank you beautiful spirit, namaste.”

I ran to a quiet corner immediately and called my husband Joe, -“I just met Wayne Dyer and he kissed me!” My husbands response with a chuckle – “Wow, I guess your world is complete now”

Yes, I think it is.

Thank you Wayne Dyer for being such a big, bright, beautiful spirit and for the impact you had on everyone who encountered you.

I will leave you with my favorite Wayne Dyer quote~

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

Thank you beautiful spirit, namaste.

Cucumber Madness


Posted by Judy Moon

I have been doing my best to squeeze the last bits left from summer. I know fall is just around the corner – the back to school supplies are out, the fall fashion magazines are arriving, the farmer’s markets are exploding with the abundance of the summer growing season.

I have a great soup recipe to share from Dr. Axe using one of my favorites- cucumbers! My love of cucumbers started as a kid. My mom would always make us cucumber sandwiches in the summer. Mary Moon would always start a sandwich, ANY sandwich with butter on one slice of the bread, and for the cucumber sandwich she mixed a little white vinegar in some mayonnaise and coated the other slice with that. She then piled on thinly sliced peeled cucumbers, a little salt and pepper and if we were being fancy that day, which we usually were, she would cut the crusts off and cut the sandwich into triangles. Pure heaven! I always channel Mary and make at least one of those sandwiches per summer and was really excited to try this soup recipe since I am such a fan of cucumbers.

When I tell you this is one of the easiest soups I have ever made, I kid you not! I made it before work, yes, that’s how quick it is and it was chilled, all the flavors had married and was ready to roll when I got home from work. Cucumbers are also crazy good for you – who knew?

This would make a great starter to a meal, or on a hot day, it was a perfect dinner for Joe and I with some guacamole and chips! Chilled glass of sangria optional.

Squeeze in those last beach days, eat some cucumbers, and savor those summer days that are left and memories of those you love.

Secret Cucumber Detox Soup Recipe
Total Time: 5 minutes Serves: 4
1 cucumber (peeled and de-seeded plus additional cuke for garnish)
1 tbsp onion (minced)
1 avocado, peeled
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Chili Powder
1 dash of Cayenne Pepper
1 cup water
Paprika for garnish

Throw avocado, cucumber, onion, oil, lemon juice, vinegar and water in vita-mix.

Puree on high speed until smooth.

Blend in salt, chili powder and remaining ingredients.

Serve, garnishing with extra cucumber cubes and smoked paprika if desired.

Don’t Just Stand There. Let’s Get To It. Strike A Pose. There’s Nothing To It.


Posted by Judy Moon

Queue the sexy male dancers with their open white shirts flapping in the breeze. I’m not sure if I’ve ever quoted Madonna before, but I love Vogue and couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been on a roll lately having lots of fun with words. Specifically the energy behind words and the effects that the energy of the words has.

As if all of that hasn’t been enough fun, a client recently gave me an article she thought I would like. I have the best clients who love to share things with me, from homemade Vidalia onion jam, foie gras from Paris, to this cool article Power To The People by Jennifer Altmann. The article is about Power Posing and how our bodies can make us feel more powerful, Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist has done research on how “our bodies change our mind, our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” The article discusses “high power poses” – those that convey strength – think standing like wonder woman with your hands on your hips vs.” low power poses” – closed positions, hunched over, limbs tucked together.

The research shows that standing or sitting a certain way has measurable effects. In as little as just two minutes – holding a Power Pose can increase testosterone levels and decrease cortisol, the stress hormone level. Not only does the body language affect how others perceive you, it affects how you perceive yourself.

Everything is energy, so it just makes sense that not only do words have vibrations that can affect us, but so do the postures and gestures of the body.

So I am totally stoked now to add a Power Pose to my morning ritual. The article and research talks a lot about using the poses in stressful situations, like right before you have to give a talk, or right before a job interview, but I think it would be a super-duper self care ritual to just start your day with some Mirror Work and then, strike a pose… Madonna music optional. Who doesn’t want to reduce their cortisol level? I’m in!

Here’s a link to Amy’s TED talk.

Break out your super hero cape and let’s get our strength and power on!

Word Up


Posted by Judy Moon

I wanted to follow up on my Mirror Work. I have to be honest and say that I did not do it EVERY single day. However I did it ALMOST every day.

The weekends just throw me off. I am such a creature of habit, and I have my rituals and my routines and for some reason Saturday comes, my husband and I are both home at the same time and some of my rituals fly out the window. It’s okay, I don’t like rigidity. So not being perfect makes me happy on some level.

Back to business – I have been doing my mirror work and saying “I love you Judy” nine times while looking myself right in the eyes. Sometimes I do it several times a day (almost) everyday.

What have I noticed?
It got easier the more I did it.
I believed it the more I did it.
I smiled at myself the more I did it.
I felt kind of… bad… the days I missed it.

The biggest observation that I’ve made is that it is shutting down the negative self-talk, criticism and chatter.

Danielle Laport, who is way cool, had a recent blog post – Words can make you sick. Or healed.  I loved it! She and her son did an experiment with an apple that they slice in half and put in clear containers next to each other on a windowsill. One apple they say nice things to and the other one they trash talk. I did a similar experiment with seeds and wrote about it in Do You Believe in Magic? and I had a similar experience to theirs. The apple they praised barely browned. The other apple became rotten and moldy. The seeds that I gave loving words to sprouted. The ones that I ignored (I felt guilty saying bad things to them, so I just ignored them, however, I have no clue what my husband Joe was saying !) never came up.

That left such an imprint in my mind. When I am saying the words I love you to myself, I imagine the energy and vibration that causes seeds to grow and thrive and apples to preserve and not decay. If I have a negative or critical thought now, because let’s face it, they pop in now and then, I imagine that rotting moldy apple and I think , “don’t do that to yourself!”

The Mirror Work has made me more mindful of the words I am using especially about or around myself not only when I am looking in the mirror, but also as I go through my day. Words are powerful and have an energetic charge that we often ignore, forget or take for granted. Be mindful of them. Treat them as sacred.

So the moral of the story is “don’t become a rotten apple”

I love you!

Jennifer Harrison and Big Blue Prenatal Massage!


We’re excited that we have a new therapist on board – Jennifer Harrison who has brought in the Big Blue cushion system to bring on the pregnancy relief!

Big Blue is a cushion system designed specifically for supporting the dynamic needs of our clients during pregnancy.  Developed by Oakworks Inc, manufactures of high quality tables and massage specific equipment since 1977. Jennifer nicknamed JMA’s second set of prenatal cushions Big Blue, based on her deep ocean hue and expansive range of support.

These cushions allow Mom to relax in a side lying position that supports a growing baby, allows for full extension of the side body, encourages neutral orientation of the hip and shoulders, relieves downward pressure at the hip and shoulder joints and cradles the head and neck for optimal comfort.

Since Jennifer Harrison’s arrival at JMA availability of prenatal services has expanded and we can now offer prenatal massage in both our treatment rooms simultaniously! Imagine you and your BFF experiencing prenatal massage during the same appointment time.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall


Posted by Judy Moon

I recently saw Dr. Christiane Northrup on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday show-win win, two of my faves! I especially love Dr. Northrup, she was rockin leather pants and cowboy boots and pulling it off. Love it!

She was talking about a simple daily action that can really change your life. I was on the edge of my seat…what ground breaking tidbit would she share that would change my life??? I love adding tools to my self-care toolbox!

She was referring to Louise Hays Mirror Work. I totally pray to the church of Louise Hay, have seen her speak several times, 90% of the books I own are from Hay House, I get it. In fact I ALREADY practice mirror work.

What the heck is mirror work you might ask?

Mirror work is standing in front of a mirror, looking yourself in the eyes and saying, “I love you” to yourself.

Sounds easy right? Not always. The first time I was given the assignment, I found it really hard to look in my eyes and say those words. I looked everywhere else. I even would throw in some negative self talk -“I love you – wow, your hair looks stupid today”, or “I love you, when are you going to get your eyebrows waxed”. It took some time to get comfortable with it. Plus aren’t we taught that it’s conceited to think that way?

If you’ve ever had a LifeLine session with me, you know that mirror work is part of your homework assignment. Repeating whatever intention we have created – “I am peaceful, feeling joyful” for example, ten times looking in the mirror, twice a day.

So Dr. Northrup challenged you for 30 days to just simply look in the mirror everyday and say “I Love You” several times. I love a good challenge, especially one that’s going to change my life, so I’m in! Unkempt eyebrows, crazy hair and all!

It’s been a week since I have been practicing this. My practice in the past was a more sporadic; as I felt I needed it kind of thing. I am stoked to stay committed to the 30-day declaration of self love. It’s easy some days, other days it’s a little tricky, but it feels pretty juicy when you are saying it, meaning it, feeling it and you see yourself smiling back at yourself.

I love you…

Who wants to join me?